Step 0: Understand the problem we are trying to solve
PROBLEM: The sales team was spending an excessive amount of time creating estimates from scratch—often with inaccuracies—and dealing with indecisive clients. This detracted from their primary goal of driving sales. A more efficient approach was needed.
SOLUTION: Implement a "quick estimate" feature for clients who are unsure of their requirements. This would allow us to swiftly identify clients with unrealistic budgets or timelines, enabling the sales team to prioritize and focus on those most likely to convert.
"A quick 'no' is better than a long 'maybe."
"A quick 'no' is better than a long 'maybe."

Step 1: Understand the requirements
Before I even think about designing I like to make a list of what I know needs to be included based on the problem at hand and write up some requirements.
Before I even think about designing I like to make a list of what I know needs to be included based on the problem at hand and write up some requirements.
Here's the short version:
• Sections: Need sections "Estimate Summary," "Item Selection," and "Customer Details."
• Quick Start: A prominent and quick way to start a new estimate.
• Item Selection: searchable and filterable items to add to quote.
• Automatic calculation: estimated total adjusts automatically based on the items added.
• Finalization: needs to be able to save as a draft, email PDF to the client, and the salesperson.
• Follow-up: the idea is to keep the sales progress moving forward, so a clear "call to action" in the email is crucial.
• Sections: Need sections "Estimate Summary," "Item Selection," and "Customer Details."
• Quick Start: A prominent and quick way to start a new estimate.
• Item Selection: searchable and filterable items to add to quote.
• Automatic calculation: estimated total adjusts automatically based on the items added.
• Finalization: needs to be able to save as a draft, email PDF to the client, and the salesperson.
• Follow-up: the idea is to keep the sales progress moving forward, so a clear "call to action" in the email is crucial.
Step 2: Wireframes
The process of transforming challenges into ideas, ideas into words, and words into tangible solutions is challenging if you don't take it one step at a time.
The process of transforming challenges into ideas, ideas into words, and words into tangible solutions is challenging if you don't take it one step at a time.
Here, I have translated those ideas into my first wireframe, marking a crucial step in developing the solution.

About this image: This is AI's attempt at creating a UI from the requirements above. 😂
It was worth a shot, Product Manager.

About this image: transforming problems into ideas and ideas into words and words into something tangible is a long process. Here is where I took the words and made my first wireframe of the solution.
Step 3: High Fidelity Prototype
In this project, the UX design process culminated in the creation of a high-fidelity prototype to accurately represent the final user interface and experience. The high-fidelity prototype allowed for a detailed visualization of the design, including color schemes, typography, and interactive elements, providing a clear, functional representation of how the end product would look and behave. This step was crucial for gathering user feedback, ensuring alignment with stakeholders, and refining the design before development, ultimately leading to a more polished and user-centered final product.

About this image: Here is just a snippet of the Figma file I used to create the prototype. I'll spare you the interaction details, but let me just say... I'm really good at designing prototypes. 👍
May I present to you... the beautiful and efficient
"Easy Estimate Tool"
(Press the play button to see her in action.)
"Easy Estimate Tool"
(Press the play button to see her in action.)
The Journey Continues:
Generating a PDF estimate is just the first step. As a UX Designer, I must focus on what happens throughout the entire user journey.
Once the email is sent, we should empower customers to take action—ideally, scheduling a site survey and initiating a full proposal. At the same time, if the timing isn’t right, users should have a clear way to communicate that, allowing the sales team to prioritize the right prospects.
Once the email is sent, we should empower customers to take action—ideally, scheduling a site survey and initiating a full proposal. At the same time, if the timing isn’t right, users should have a clear way to communicate that, allowing the sales team to prioritize the right prospects.

The Easy Estimate tool is still being developed, but we predict it will have a few key outcomes (KPIs)
1. Reduce the time Salespeople spend on creating estimates by 30 minutes or more per estimate.
2. Reduce the time of rejections by at least a week. (This is positive because it weeds out the clients who are not serious about digital signage purchases).
3. Increase response time from potential clients by 1 week.
4. Allow the salespeople to send out 30% more estimates per month.